

Huang, J. M. Blame and credit in organizations: Explaining the responses of leaders after success and failure.

Manuscripts under Review

Jang, D., Huang, J. M., Bottom, W. P., Schneider, A. K., & Elfenbein, H. A. On the role of personality in negotiation: A multi-method study of conscientiousness.

Research in Progress

Huang, J. M. and Luckman, E. A. Taking blame: A way to overcome gendered perceptions of leadership.

Gershon, R. and Huang, J. M. Risky hires: Prospect theory and perceptions of women and minorities.

Huang, J. M. and Cummiskey, B. “I think we should see other people”: Making a creative comeback.

Huang, J. M., Duguid, M., and Sale, H. Supervisor gender, feedback-seeking behaviors, and perceptions of feedback.

Jang, D., Huang, J. M., and Elfenbein, H. A. Keeping a poker face can help you read a poker face: Investigating the correlation between emotion recognition and emotion management.